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Hungarian-German extra dictionary

Hungarian-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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13638 Words
15051 Translations
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matches in the
vestrymannoun UK: vestrɪmən
vesturenoun UK: vestʃər
  1. literary
vetnoun USA: ve't UK: vet
vetnoun USA: ve't UK: vet
vetv intrans v USA: ve't UK: vet
  1. informal
vetv trans v USA: ve't UK: vet
vetchnoun UK: vetʃ
veterannoun USA: ve'trʌ·n UK: vetərən
veteranadj USA: ve'trʌ·n UK: vetərən
veterinariannoun USA: ve"təː·ʌ·ne'riː·ʌ·n UK: vetərɪneərɪən
veterinarynoun USA: ve'trʌ·ne"riː· UK: vetrɪnriː
veterinaryadj USA: ve'trʌ·ne"riː· UK: vetrɪnriː
veterinary medicineexp USA: ve'trʌ·ne"riː· me'dʌ·sʌ·n UK: vetrɪnriː medsn
veterinary surgeonnoun USA: ve'trʌ·ne"riː· səː'ʤʌ·n UK: vetrɪnriː səːʤən
vetonoun USA: viː'toʊ" UK: viːtoʊ
vetov trans v USA: viː'toʊ" UK: viːtoʊ
vetoedv USA: viː'toʊ·d UK: viːtoʊd
vettedadj USA: ve'tʌ·d UK: vetɪd
vexv trans v USA: ve'ks UK: veks
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