tanuljunk magyarul
Italian-Hungarian invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: aniko.ditrich
Reverse dictionary: tanuljunk olaszul
251 matches in 11 dictionaries.
decimation USA: de'sʌ·meɪ"ʃʌ·n UK: desɪmeɪʃən
- His decision to leave school was a surprise to his parents.
- Elhatározása hogy abbahagyja az iskolát nagyon meglepte szüleit.
- The decision about whether he is guilty or innocent rests with the jury.
- Annak eldöntése hogy bűnös-e vagy ártatlan, az esküdtszék feladata.
- This decision shall take effect on 1 November 2009.
- Ez a határozat 2009. november 1-jén lép hatályba.
- It was a difficult decision that he had to make.
- Nehéz döntést kellett meghoznia.
solomonic decision
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