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Lithuanian-Hungarian Dictionary of Catholic Terms

Lithuanian-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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18 Words
19 Translations
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428 matches in 17 dictionaries. Details
have pity onexp USA: hæ'v pɪ'tiː· ɔ'n UK: hæv pɪtiː ɔn
take pity onexp USA: teɪ'k pɪ'tiː· ɔ'n UK: teɪk pɪtiː ɔn
have pity on syexp USA: hæ'v pɪ'tiː· ɔ'n saɪ'
take pity on syv USA: teɪ'k pɪ'tiː· ɔ'n saɪ'
for pity's sakeinterj
for pity's sake!exp
fly the pitexp USA: flaɪ' ðiː· pɪ't UK: flaɪ ðiː pɪt
the bottomless pitexp USA: ðiː· bɔ'tʌ·mlʌ·s pɪ't UK: ðiː bɔtəmləs pɪt
at fever pitchv USA: æ't fiː'vəː· pɪ'tʃ UK: ət fiːvər pɪtʃ
dark as pitchexp USA: dɔ'rk e'z pɪ'tʃ UK: dɑk əz pɪtʃ
queer the pitch for syv USA: kwɪ'r ðiː· pɪ'tʃ frəː· saɪ'
such a pitch thatexp USA: sʌ'tʃ eɪ' pɪ'tʃ ðʌ·t UK: sʌtʃ eɪ pɪtʃ ðət
be a pitynoun USA: biː· eɪ' pɪ'tiː· UK: biː eɪ pɪtiː
more's the pityexp USA: mɔː'riː"z ðiː· pɪ'tiː· UK: mɔːreɪz ðiː pɪtiː
move to pityexp USA: muː'v tʌ· pɪ'tiː· UK: muːv tuː pɪtiː
that's a pitynoun UK: ðəts eɪ pɪtiː
what a pity!exp USA: hwʌ't eɪ' pɪ'tiː· UK: wɔt eɪ pɪtiː
out of pity forexp USA: aʊ't ʌ·v pɪ'tiː· frəː· UK: aʊt ɔv pɪtiː fəː
out of pity for syexp USA: aʊ't ʌ·v pɪ'tiː· frəː· saɪ'
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