matches in the
call down curses to syv USA: kɔː'l daʊ'n kəː'sʌ·z tʌ· saɪ'
difficult to come atexp USA: dɪ'fʌ·kʌ·lt tʌ· kʌ'm æ't UK: dɪfɪkəlt tuː kʌm ət
difficult to placeexp USA: dɪ'fʌ·kʌ·lt tʌ· pleɪ's UK: dɪfɪkəlt tuː pleɪs
difficult to get atexp USA: dɪ'fʌ·kʌ·lt tʌ· gɪ't æ't UK: dɪfɪkəlt tuː get ət
difficulties are liable to occurexp USA: dɪ'fʌ·kʌ·ltiː·z əː· laɪ'ʌ·bʌ·l tʌ· ʌ·kəː' UK: dɪfɪkəltɪz ɑr laɪəbl tuː əkəːr
dead to reasonexp USA: de'd tʌ· riː'zʌ·n UK: ded tuː riːzən
day to dayadj USA: deɪ' tʌ· deɪ' UK: deɪ tuː deɪ
date back tov USA: deɪ't bæ'k tʌ· UK: deɪt bæk tuː
dedicate oneself to sgv
dedicate (sth to sb)exp
decision / come to a -exp USA: dʌ·sɪ'ʒʌ·n kʌ'm tʌ· eɪ' UK: dɪsɪʒn kʌm tuː eɪ
decide (to do sth)exp
deliver over tov USA: dʌ·lɪ'vəː· oʊ'vəː· tʌ· UK: dɪlɪvər oʊvər tuː
deign to doexp UK: deɪn tuː duː
dash to piecesexp USA: dæ'ʃ tʌ· piː'sʌ·z UK: dæʃ tuː piːsɪz
dash over to sgv
damage to shipnoun USA: dæ'mʌ·ʤ tʌ· ʃɪ'p UK: dæmɪʤ tuː ʃɪp
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