shavenoun USA: ʃeɪ'v UK: ʃeɪv
shavev intrans v USA: ʃeɪ'v UK: ʃeɪv
shave the upper lipexp USA: ʃeɪ'v ðiː· ʌ'pəː· lɪ'p UK: ʃeɪv ðiː ʌpər lɪp
shavenadj USA: ʃeɪ'vʌ·n UK: ʃeɪvn
shavernoun USA: ʃeɪ'vəː· UK: ʃeɪvər
shaving brushnoun USA: ʃeɪ'vɪ·ŋ brʌ'ʃ UK: ʃeɪvɪŋ brʌʃ
close shaveexp USA: kloʊ'z ʃeɪ'v UK: kloʊz ʃeɪv
newly shavenexp USA: nuː'liː· ʃeɪ'vʌ·n UK: njuːliː ʃeɪvn
it was a close shaveexp USA: ʌ·t wʌ·z eɪ' kloʊ'z ʃeɪ'v UK: ɪt wɔz eɪ kloʊz ʃeɪv
it was a narrow shaveexp USA: ʌ·t wʌ·z eɪ' ne'roʊ· ʃeɪ'v UK: ɪt wɔz eɪ næroʊ ʃeɪv
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