whetnoun USA: hwe't UK: wet
whetv trans v USA: hwe't UK: wet
whet sy's appetitev
whetherconj USA: hwe'ðəː· UK: weðər
    1. The head of the police cannot state whether or not he has crossed the frontier.
        1. A rendőr-főparancsnok azt sem tudja, vajon átment-e már a határon vagy sem.
whether or noexp USA: hwe'ðəː· əː· noʊ' UK: weðər ɔːr noʊ
whether you want it or noexp USA: hwe'ðəː· yuː' wɔ'nt ʌ·t əː· noʊ' UK: weðər juː wɔnt ɪt ɔːr noʊ
whetstonenoun USA: hwe'tstoʊ"n UK: wetstoʊn
whettingnoun UK: wetɪŋ
query whetherexp USA: kwiː'riː· hwe'ðəː· UK: kwɪəriː weðər
demand to know whetherexp USA: dɪ"mæ'nd tʌ· noʊ' hwe'ðəː· UK: dɪmɑnd tuː noʊ weðər
i leave it to you whetherexp USA: aɪ' liː'v ʌ·t tʌ· yuː' hwe'ðəː· UK: aɪ liːv ɪt tuː juː weðər
i put it to you whetherexp USA: aɪ' pʊ't ʌ·t tʌ· yuː' hwe'ðəː· UK: aɪ pʊt ɪt tuː juː weðər
it's quite indifferent to me whetherexp USA: ʌ·ts kwaɪ't ɪ"ndɪ'fəː·ʌ·nt tʌ· miː' hwe'ðəː· UK: ɪts kwaɪt ɪndɪfrənt tuː miː weðər
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