matches in the
witchv trans v USA: wɪ'tʃ UK: wɪtʃ
witch huntnoun USA: wɪ'tʃ hʌ'nt UK: wɪtʃ hʌnt
witch's brewexp
withprep USA: wʌ·ð UK: wɪð
with a bowexp USA: wʌ·ð eɪ' boʊ' UK: wɪð eɪ boʊ
with a hawk-like swoopexp
with a high handexp USA: wʌ·ð eɪ' haɪ' hæ'nd UK: wɪð eɪ haɪ hænd
with a hop skip and a jumpexp USA: wʌ·ð eɪ' hɔ'p skɪ'p ʌ·nd eɪ' ʤʌ'mp UK: wɪð eɪ hɔp skɪp ənd eɪ ʤʌmp
with a hop skip and a jumpadv USA: wʌ·ð eɪ' hɔ'p skɪ'p ʌ·nd eɪ' ʤʌ'mp UK: wɪð eɪ hɔp skɪp ənd eɪ ʤʌmp
with a whole skinexp USA: wʌ·ð eɪ' hoʊ'l skɪ'n UK: wɪð eɪ hoʊl skɪn
with a willexp USA: wʌ·ð eɪ' wʌ·l UK: wɪð eɪ wɪl
with all his faultsexp USA: wʌ·ð ɔː'l hʌ·z fɔː'lts UK: wɪð ɔːl hɪz fɔːlts
with all modern conveniencesexp USA: wʌ·ð ɔː'l mɔ'dəː·n kʌ·nviː'nyʌ·nsʌ·z UK: wɪð ɔːl mɔdn kənviːnɪənsɪz
with all sails furledexp UK: wɪð ɔːl seɪlz fəːld
with an eye to the futureexp USA: wʌ·ð ʌ·n aɪ' tʌ· ðiː· fyuː'tʃəː· UK: wɪð ən aɪ tuː ðiː fjuːtʃər
with childexp USA: wʌ·ð tʃaɪ'ld UK: wɪð tʃaɪld
with colours highexp UK: wɪð kʌləz haɪ
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