17 matches in 2 dictionaries. Details
salary with arrears as from 1st januaryexp
advance on salaryexp USA: ʌ·dvæ'ns ɔ'n sæ'ləː·iː· UK: ədvɑns ɔn sæləriː
arrears of salaryexp USA: əː·ɪ'rz ʌ·v sæ'ləː·iː· UK: ərɪəz ɔv sæləriː
salary levelundef
annual salaryundef
monthly salaryundef
starting salaryundef
his salary was cutundef
His salary was cut.undef
attachment of salaryundef
pay a salaryundef
paying a salaryundef
rise in salaryundef
rises in salaryundef
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