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Türkçe-Bulgarca Sözlük

Turkish-Bulgarian invite only and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Bulgarca-Türkçe Sözlük
111 Words
114 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
500 matches in 6 dictionaries. Details
departure timeexp USA: dʌ·pɔ'rtʃəː· taɪ'm UK: dɪpɑtʃər taɪm
detention timeexp USA: dʌ·te'nʃʌ·n taɪ'm UK: dɪtenʃn taɪm
double timenoun USA: dʌ'bʌ·l taɪ'm UK: dʌbl taɪm
duration timeexp USA: dʊ·reɪ'ʃʌ·n taɪ'm UK: djʊreɪʃn taɪm
dwell timeexp USA: dwe'l taɪ'm UK: dwel taɪm
each timeexp USA: iː'tʃ taɪ'm UK: iːtʃ taɪm
elapsed timeexp USA: ʌ·læ'pst taɪ'm UK: ɪlæpst taɪm
every timeexp USA: e'vriː· taɪ'm UK: evriː taɪm
find timeexp USA: faɪ'nd taɪ'm UK: faɪnd taɪm
flying timenoun USA: flaɪ'ɪ·ŋ taɪ'm UK: flaɪɪŋ taɪm
free timeexp USA: friː' taɪ'm UK: friː taɪm
game timenoun USA: geɪ'm taɪ'm UK: geɪm taɪm
get timeexp USA: gɪ't taɪ'm UK: get taɪm
in timeexp USA: ɪ'n taɪ'm UK: ɪn taɪm
invalid timeexp USA: ɪ"nvæ'lʌ·d taɪ'm UK: ɪnvəlɪd taɪm
journey timeexp USA: ʤəː'niː· taɪ'm UK: ʤəːniː taɪm
keep timev USA: kiː'p taɪ'm UK: kiːp taɪm
kill timeexp USA: kɪ'l taɪ'm UK: kɪl taɪm
lead timenoun USA: liː'd taɪ'm UK: liːd taɪm
leaving-off timeexp
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