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Türkçe-Bulgarca Sözlük

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Reverse dictionary: Bulgarca-Türkçe Sözlük
111 Words
114 Translations
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0 Expressions
500 matches in 6 dictionaries. Details
greenwich mean timeexp USA: griː'nwɪ"tʃ miː'n taɪ'm UK: grenɪtʃ miːn taɪm
have no timeexp USA: hæ'v noʊ' taɪ'm UK: hæv noʊ taɪm
high / it's - timeexp USA: haɪ' ʌ·ts taɪ'm UK: haɪ ɪts taɪm
in due timeexp USA: ɪ'n dyuː' taɪ'm UK: ɪn djuː taɪm
in good timeexp USA: ɪ'n gʌ·d taɪ'm UK: ɪn gʊd taɪm
in no timeexp USA: ɪ'n noʊ' taɪ'm UK: ɪn noʊ taɪm
in stoppage timeexp USA: ɪ'n stɔ'pɪ·ʤ taɪ'm UK: ɪn stɔpɪʤ taɪm
in this timenoun USA: ɪ'n ðʌ·s taɪ'm UK: ɪn ðɪs taɪm
it's high timeexp USA: ʌ·ts haɪ' taɪ'm UK: ɪts haɪ taɪm
it takes timeexp USA: ʌ·t teɪ'ks taɪ'm UK: ɪt teɪks taɪm
just in timeexp USA: ʤʌ·st ɪ'n taɪ'm UK: ʤʌst ɪn taɪm
just on timeexp USA: ʤʌ·st ɔ'n taɪ'm UK: ʤʌst ɔn taɪm
length of timeexp USA: le'ŋθ ʌ·v taɪ'm UK: leŋθ ɔv taɪm
lots of timeexp USA: lɔ'ts ʌ·v taɪ'm UK: lɔts ɔv taɪm
lunchtime / lunch timenoun USA: lʌ'ntʃtaɪ"m lʌ'ntʃ taɪ'm UK: lʌntʃtaɪm lʌntʃ taɪm
many a timeadv USA: me'niː· eɪ' taɪ'm UK: meniː eɪ taɪm
other / some - timeexp USA: ʌ'ðəː· sʌ'm taɪ'm UK: ʌðər sʌm taɪm
play for timeexp USA: pleɪ' frəː· taɪ'm UK: pleɪ fəː taɪm
progress of timeexp USA: proʊ·gre's ʌ·v taɪ'm UK: proʊgres ɔv taɪm
race against timeexp USA: reɪ's ʌ·ge'nst taɪ'm UK: reɪs əgenst taɪm
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