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Türkçe-Fransızca Sözlük

Turkish-French invite only and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: boracasli
Reverse dictionary: Fransızca-Türkçe Sözlük
0 Words
0 Translations
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0 Expressions
499 matches in 16 dictionaries.
stare frescoundef tsz. 1. szem.: stiamo fresco
stare impalatoundef
stare in atto di ...undef
stare in campanaundef
stare in conciaundef
    1. bőr, dohány pácolódik
stare in filaundef
stare in orecchioundef
stare in piediundef
  1. figurative gen
    1. pl. érvelés megáll a lábán
stare in piediv
stare in piscinaundef
    1. uszodában strandol
stare in posaundef
stare in spiaggiaundef
    1. tengerparton strandol
stare nella salamoiaundef
stare per ...undef
stare per divorziareundef
stare per partireundef
stare per perdereundef
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