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Török - Magyar kifejezések

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Reverse dictionary: Magyar - Török kifejezések
4 Words
4 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
515 matches in 14 dictionaries. Details
i'm to goexp USA: ɪ'm tʌ· goʊ'
i've to goexp
bowl / to go -ing 2.exp
bring to griefexp USA: brɪ'ŋ tʌ· griː'f UK: brɪŋ tuː griːf
come to griefexp USA: kʌ'm tʌ· griː'f UK: kʌm tuː griːf
begin to grow darkexp USA: bɪ·gɪ'n tʌ· groʊ' dɔ'rk UK: bɪgɪn tuː groʊ dɑk
come to handexp USA: kʌ'm tʌ· hæ'nd UK: kʌm tuː hænd
come to heelv USA: kʌ'm tʌ· hiː'l UK: kʌm tuː hiːl
put to itexp USA: pʊ't tʌ· ʌ·t UK: pʊt tuː ɪt
restore to its placeexp USA: rʌ·stɔː'r tʌ· ʌ·ts pleɪ's UK: rɪstɔːr tuː ɪts pleɪs
bring to justicev USA: brɪ'ŋ tʌ· ʤʌ'stʌ·s UK: brɪŋ tuː ʤʌstɪs
contribution to knowledgeexp USA: kɔ"ntrʌ·byuː'ʃʌ·n tʌ· nɔ'lʌ·ʤ UK: kɔntrɪbjuːʃn tuː nɔlɪʤ
house to letexp USA: haʊ's tʌ· le't UK: haʊz tuː let
rooms to letexp USA: ruː'mz tʌ· le't UK: ruːmz tuː let
room to letexp USA: ruː'm tʌ· le't UK: ruːm tuː let
room / - to letexp USA: ruː'm tʌ· le't UK: ruːm tuː let
bring to lifev USA: brɪ'ŋ tʌ· laɪ'f UK: brɪŋ tuː laɪf
come to lifeexp USA: kʌ'm tʌ· laɪ'f UK: kʌm tuː laɪf
bring to lightv USA: brɪ'ŋ tʌ· laɪ't UK: brɪŋ tuː laɪt
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