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Török-Magyar szótár

Turkish-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Magyar-Török szótár
13 Words
14 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
matches in the
hammer onv intrans v USA: hæ'məː· ɔ'n UK: hæmər ɔn
have a lien on goodsexp USA: hæ'v eɪ' liː'n ɔ'n gʊ'dz UK: hæv eɪ lɪən ɔn gʊdz
have a hold onexp USA: hæ'v eɪ' hoʊ'ld ɔ'n UK: hæv eɪ hoʊld ɔn
have a crush onv USA: hæ'v eɪ' krʌ'ʃ ɔ'n UK: hæv eɪ krʌʃ ɔn
have onv trans v USA: hæ'v ɔ'n UK: hæv ɔn
have nothing onexp USA: hæ'v nʌ'θɪ·ŋ ɔ'n UK: hæv nʌθɪŋ ɔn
have nothing onadj USA: hæ'v nʌ'θɪ·ŋ ɔ'n UK: hæv nʌθɪŋ ɔn
have it on good authorityexp USA: hæ'v ʌ·t ɔ'n gʌ·d ʌ·θɔː'rʌ·tiː· UK: hæv ɪt ɔn gʊd ɔːθɔrɪtiː
have an edge onexp USA: hæ'v ʌ·n e'ʤ ɔ'n UK: hæv ən eʤ ɔn
like a cat on hot bricksexp USA: laɪ'k eɪ' kæ't ɔ'n hɔ't brɪ'ks UK: laɪk eɪ kæt ɔn hɔt brɪks
on my honourexp UK: ɔn maɪ ɔnər
on my honorexp USA: ɔ'n maɪ' ɔ'nəː· UK: ɔn maɪ ɔnər
on handadj USA: ɔ'n hæ'nd UK: ɔn hænd
on horsebackexp USA: ɔ'n hɔː'rsbæ"k UK: ɔn hɔːsbæk
on holidayexp USA: ɔ'n hɔ'lʌ·deɪ" UK: ɔn hɔlədeɪ
on highexp USA: ɔ'n haɪ' UK: ɔn haɪ
on handexp USA: ɔ'n hæ'nd UK: ɔn hænd
on a high horseexp USA: ɔ'n eɪ' haɪ' hɔː'rs UK: ɔn eɪ haɪ hɔːs
from on highexp USA: fəː·m ɔ'n haɪ' UK: frɔm ɔn haɪ
all hands on deck!exp USA: ɔː'l hæ'nz ɔ'n de'k UK: ɔːl hændz ɔn dek
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