English-German simple dictionary

angol-német nyitott és publikusan listázott szótár
névtelen látogató vagyok ebben a szótárban

Beszélgetés a szótár 'setting right' szaváról

John Smith képe
Regisztrált: 2022/02/10

I agree; it's easier to learn a language when you have everything in one place, like a platform, app, or website. I like learning languages with promova app, which I recently discovered and actively use. Modern tools make it possible for anyone to get knowledge. No more excuses like "I can't afford a tutor" or "I can't juggle courses and work."

BalanceB képe
Regisztrált: 2022/02/08

Maybe those dictionaries were relevant years ago when we had our first electronic dictionaries and moved away from paper ones. But now, it's more convenient to use a platform or app with vocabulary, grammar rules, and useful info for learning a language.

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