matches in the
catch sy upv USA: kæ'tʃ saɪ' ʌ'p
chat sy upv USA: tʃæ't saɪ' ʌ'p
clue sy upv USA: kluː' saɪ' ʌ'p
coil itself upv USA: kɔɪ'l ʌ·tse'lf ʌ'p UK: kɔɪl ɪtself ʌp
cork sy upv USA: kɔː'rk saɪ' ʌ'p
cough it up!exp USA: kɔ'f ʌ·t ʌ'p UK: kɔf ɪt ʌp
get back upv USA: gɪ't bæ'k ʌ'p UK: get bæk ʌp
get balled upexp USA: gɪ't bɔː'ld ʌ'p UK: get bɔːld ʌp
get mixed upexp USA: gɪ't mɪ'kst ʌ'p UK: get mɪkst ʌp
get oneself upexp USA: gɪ't wʌ"nse'lf ʌ'p UK: get wʌnself ʌp
get steamed upexp USA: gɪ't stiː'md ʌ'p UK: get stiːmd ʌp
get stopped upexp USA: gɪ't stɔ'pt ʌ'p UK: get stɔpt ʌp
get tangled upv USA: gɪ't tæ'ŋgʌ·ld ʌ'p UK: get tæŋgld ʌp
ginger sy upv USA: ʤɪ'nʤəː· saɪ' ʌ'p
give ourselves upexp USA: gɪ'v ɔ·rse'lvz ʌ'p UK: gɪv aʊəselvz ʌp
give sth upv
hang it upexp USA: hæ'ŋ ʌ·t ʌ'p UK: hæŋ ɪt ʌp
huddle oneself upexp USA: hʌ'dʌ·l wʌ"nse'lf ʌ'p UK: hʌdl wʌnself ʌp
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