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Musical Dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: Grande
Reverse dictionary: Zenei szótár
4 Words
7 Translations
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matches in the
french frieseexp USA: fre'ntʃ friː'z
freneticadj USA: frʌ·ne'tɪ·k UK: frənetɪk
frenziedadj USA: fre'nziː·d UK: frenzɪd
frenzied effortsexp USA: fre'nziː·d e'fəː·ts UK: frenzɪd efəts
frenzynoun USA: fre'nziː· UK: frenziː
freonnoun USA: friː'ɔ·n
frequencynoun USA: friː'kwʌ·nsiː· UK: friːkwənsiː
frequentv trans v USA: friː'kwe"nt UK: friːkwənt
frequentv trans v USA: friː'kwe"nt UK: friːkwənt
frequentadj USA: friː'kwe"nt UK: friːkwənt
frequentativenoun UK: frɪkwentətɪv
frequentedadj USA: friː'kwʌ·ntʌ·d UK: frɪkwentɪd
frequenternoun UK: frɪkwentə
frequentlyadv USA: friː'kwʌ·ntliː· UK: friːkwəntliː
fresconoun USA: fre'skoʊ· UK: freskoʊ
frescov trans v USA: fre'skoʊ· UK: freskoʊ
freshnoun USA: fre'ʃ UK: freʃ
fresh complexionexp USA: fre'ʃ kʌ·mpe'kʃʌ·n UK: freʃ kəmplekʃn
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