Hungarian-English dictionary
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Request for "ami azt illeti"
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ami azt illeti
in so far
ɪ'n soʊ' fɔ'r
ɪn soʊ fɑr
in respect to
ɪ'n riː·spe'kt tʌ·
ɪn rɪspekt tuː
from that matter
fəː·m ðʌ·t mæ'təː·
frɔm ðət mætər
as to
e'z tʌ·
əz tuː
as to that
e'z tʌ· ðʌ·t
əz tuː ðət
as for
e'z frəː·
əz fəː
as for that
e'z frəː· ðʌ·t
əz fəː ðət
as far as is concerned
e'z fɔ'r e'z ʌ·z kʌ·nsəː'nd
əz fɑr əz ɪz kənsəːnd
How to proceed?
Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.