Hungarian-English dictionary

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A fából készült Csillaghegyi-kilátóból gyönyörű panoráma nyílik a Bakonyra és Székesfehérvárra. A kilátó megközelítése az Iszkaszentgyörgy fölött húzódó Csillaghegyen, a piros turistajelzés követésével lehetséges.

A guest requests to add the word 'A fából készült Csillaghegyi-kilátóból gyönyörű panoráma nyílik a Bakonyra és Székesfehérvárra. A kilátó megközelítése az Iszkaszentgyörgy fölött húzódó Csillaghegyen, a piros turistajelzés követésével lehetséges.'.

AgarwalArchana's picture
Joined: 2022/01/28

What questions are asked during an interview of a freelance full-stack web developer?

The questions generally asked to the full-stack web Developers are unique and challenging. The hiring manager tries his best to assess you as far as possible through an interview because you won't have many projects to showcase professionally.

Give an example of the project you have worked on and the technologies involved? What are the reasons for making these choices?

This is a must-ask question; the interview would be incomplete without it. This question will help in determining the sharpness and precision of your mindset. You may talk about the abilities you possess, including sharpness and presence of mind. Remember, while answering, you should maintain a balance between the front end and back end development equally.

Which technologies and software are required to develop a project from the bottom?

It is a question that will determine your readiness and steadiness of the mind. This hypothetical question will help the interviewer understand your uniqueness from other amateurs.

Can you share a moment when your colleague's code is insufficient and how you rectified it?

This will help determine the candidate's quality standards and team playing skills. You must show the interviewer that you are comfortable pointing out flaws and improving them. However, the answer should only provide positive feedback and not about the other person's lack.

What is the best debugging experience you have gained from the past?

It might not be a straightforward question. The manager wants to see if you can manage complexity and significant challenges if presented before you by asking it. As the answer, you should speak about the roadblocks you must have faced and how you overcame them, and try talking about what you learned from it.

Josesv's picture
Joined: 2021/11/12

'A fából készült Csillaghegyi-kilátóból gyönyörű panoráma nyílik ice cream places a Bakonyra és Székesfehérvárra

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