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Request for "lehetőség"

Created by: Anonymous, 2016/10/27 - 11:36
Last modified at: 2016/10/27 - 11:36
Search for "lehetőség" here
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    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    lehetőség fn
    szl US slant fn slæ'nt slænt
    scope fn skoʊ'p skoʊp
    Pénzszűkében voltunk, és ez meglehetősen szűkre szabta lehetőségeinket.
    We were rather short of money, so our scope was very limited.
    átv prospect fn prɔ'spe·kt prɔspekt
    power fn paʊ'əː· paʊər
    potential fn pʌ·te'ntʃʌ·l pətenʃl
    possibility fn pɔ"sʌ·bɪ'lʌ·tiː· pɔsəbɪlɪtiː
    posse fn pɔ'siː· pɔsiː
    Opportunity fn
    opportunity noun ɔ"pəː·tuː'nʌ·tiː· ɔpətjuːnɪtiː
    Harkness valami lehetőséget látott.
    Harkness saw an opportunity here.
    modality fn mʌ·dæ'lʌ·tiː· moʊdælɪtiː
    hazard fn hæ'zəː·d hæzəd
    feasibility fn fiː"zʌ·bɪ'lʌ·tiː· fiːzəbɪlɪtiː
    eventuality fn iː·ve"ntʃuː·æ'lʌ·tiː· ɪventʃʊælɪtiː
    contingent fn kʌ·ntɪ'nʤʌ·nt kəntɪnʤənt
    contingency fn kʌ·ntɪ'nʤʌ·nsiː· kəntɪnʤənsiː
    chance fn tʃæ'ns tʃɑns
    availability fn ʌ·veɪ"lʌ·bɪ'lʌ·tiː· əveɪləbɪlɪtiː

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.


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