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Request for "megszokott"

Created by: Anonymous, 2013/01/22 - 12:36
Last modified at: 2013/01/22 - 12:36
Search for "megszokott" here
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    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    megszokott mn
    wonted mn woʊntɪd
    wont i tni woʊ'nt woʊnt
    stock mn stɔ'k stɔk
    small mn smɔː'l smɔːl
    routine mn ruːtiːn
    regular mn reɪ'gyʌ·ləː· regjʊlər
    recognized mn re'kʌ·gnaɪ"zd rekəgnaɪzd
    habitual mn hʌ·bɪ'tʃuː·ʌ·l həbɪtʃʊəl
    groovy mn gruː'viː· gruːviː
    general mn ʤe'nrʌ·l ʤenrəl
    familiar mn fʌ·mɪ'lyəː· fəmɪlɪər
    Körbetekintett a jól ismert szobában.
    She looked around the familiar room.
    Nem emlékszem a nevére, de az arca ismerős.
    I don't remember his name but his face is familiar to me.
    Jó volt egy kedves, megszokott helyre visszatérni.
    It was good to come back to somewhere nice and familiar.
    everyday mn e'vriː·deɪ· evrɪdeɪ
    conventional mn kʌ·nve'nʃʌ·nʌ·l kənvenʃənl
    common fn kɔ'mʌ·n kɔmən
    accustomed mn ʌ·kʌ'stʌ·md əkʌstəmd

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.


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