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Lithuanian-Hungarian Dictionary of Catholic Terms

Lithuanian-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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18 Words
19 Translations
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0 Expressions
matches in the
    1. ornithologist
      UK: ɔːnɪθɔləʤɪst
    1. bird's eye view
      USA: bəː'dz aɪ' vyuː' UK: bəːdz aɪ vjuː
    1. piping
      USA: paɪ'pɪ·ŋ UK: paɪpɪŋ
madárétkű emberexp
    1. poor trencherman
      UK: pʊər trentʃəmən
    1. mafia
      USA: mɔ'fiː·ʌ· UK: mæfɪə
    1. maffia
      USA: mæ'fiː·ʌ·
    1. slang US capo
      USA: kɔ'poʊ· UK: kɑpoʊ
    1. sheepish
      USA: ʃiː'pɪ"ʃ UK: ʃiːpɪʃ
    1. muff
      USA: mʌ'f UK: mʌf
    1. doltish
      UK: doʊltɪʃ
    1. booby
      USA: buː'biː· UK: buːbiː
    1. boob
      USA: buː'b UK: buːb
mafla alaknoun
    1. slang mug
      USA: mʌ'g UK: mʌg
mafla embernoun
    1. angel
      USA: eɪ'nʤʌ·l UK: eɪnʤl
mafla/mulya emberexp
    1. doltishness
      UK: doʊltɪʃnəs
    1. informal US simp
    1. sheepishly
      USA: ʃiː'pɪ"ʃliː· UK: ʃiːpɪʃliː
    1. clinker
      UK: klɪŋkər
    1. seed
      USA: siː'd UK: siːd
    1. stone
      USA: stoʊ'n UK: stoʊn
    1. seed
      USA: siː'd UK: siːd
    1. pip
      USA: pɪ'p UK: pɪp
  1. astron
    1. nucleus, nuclei
      USA: nuː'kliː·ʌ·s nuː'kliː·aɪ" UK: njuːklɪəs njuːklɪaɪ
    1. heart
      USA: hɔ'rt UK: hɑt
  2. mining
    1. core
      USA: kɔː'r UK: kɔːr
    1. A Föld magja elsősorban vasból és nikkelből épül fel.
        1. The Earth's core is made up of mainly iron and nickel.
    1. berry
      USA: be'riː· UK: beriː
  1. biol bot
    1. seminal
      USA: se'mʌ·nʌ·l UK: semɪnl
  2. phys
    1. nuclear
      USA: nuː'kliː·əː· UK: njuːklɪər
mag köldökenoun
    1. cicatrix, cicatrices
      UK: sɪkətrɪks sɪkətrɪsɪz
  1. bot
    1. cicatricule
      UK: sɪkətrɪkjuːl
    1. cicatricle
      UK: sɪkətrɪkl
    1. cicatrice
      UK: sɪkətrɪs
    1. selves
      USA: se'lvz UK: selvz
    1. self
      USA: se'lf UK: self
    1. Ha kell, menj magad, ha nem kell, küldj mást.
        1. If you would be well served, serve yourself.
    1. self, selves
      USA: se'lf se'lvz UK: self selvz
    1. herself
      USA: həː·se'lf UK: həːself
maga aadj
    1. very
      USA: ve'riː· UK: veriː
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