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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
matches in the
frighten awayv trans v USA: fraɪ'tʌ·n ʌ·weɪ' UK: fraɪtn əweɪ
frightendnoun UK: fraɪtnd
frightenedadj USA: fraɪ'tʌ·nd UK: fraɪtnd
frighteningadj USA: fraɪ'tnɪ·ŋ UK: fraɪtnɪŋ
frightfuladj USA: fraɪ'tfʌ·l UK: fraɪtfəl
frightfullyadv USA: fraɪ'tfʌ·liː· UK: fraɪtfəliː
frigidadj USA: frɪ'ʤʌ·d UK: frɪʤɪd
frigiditynoun UK: frɪʤɪdɪtiː
frigidlyadv UK: frɪʤɪdliː
frigidlyadv UK: frɪʤɪdliː
frillv trans v USA: frɪ'l UK: frɪl
frillv intrans v USA: frɪ'l UK: frɪl
frilledadj UK: frɪld
frillsnoun USA: frɪ'lz UK: frɪlz
frillyadj USA: frɪ'liː· UK: frɪliː
fringe areanoun USA: frɪ'nʤ e'riː·ʌ· UK: frɪnʤ eərɪə
fringe benefitnoun USA: frɪ'nʤ be'nʌ·fɪ"t UK: frɪnʤ benɪfɪt
fripperynoun UK: frɪpəriː
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